
Story Elements Kristen Kieffer Story Elements Kristen Kieffer

Should You Include a Prologue in Your Story?

Ah, the Great Prologue Debate. Should they or should they not have a place in fiction?

The necessity of prologues (or lack thereof) is a topic that’s frequently discussed in online writing circles, and today I’d like to add my two cents to the clamor. You see, I feel pretty strongly about the power of a prologue well written. It’s a story element I’ve enjoyed time and time again as a reader, and also one that I’ve worked to emulate in many of my own stories.

Why do I think that prologues have their place? And what defines a prologue as well-written in my eyes? Allow me to share my thoughts with you in today’s article, writers.

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The Writing Life Kristen Kieffer The Writing Life Kristen Kieffer

Eight Reasons to Participate In NaNoWriMo

Want to challenge yourself to write with consistency and commitment?

Consider joining this year’s NaNoWriMo challenge. Short for National Novel Writing Month, this annual event challenges participants to write 50,000 words of fiction in the month of November, an average of 1,667 words per day.

Every year, over 500,000 writers worldwide take part in this online and in-person event — and that number continues to grow. What makes NaNoWriMo such a popular affair?

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Scrivener Kristen Kieffer Scrivener Kristen Kieffer

How to Review Old Drafts With Scrivener Snapshots

One thing I love about Scrivener is how many convenient revision tools it offers.

In particular, my favorite of these tools is called Snapshots. With Snapshots, you can take a picture(s) of your document, make changes to the text, then compare the two versions with ease. You can even revert your document back to the version found in a Snapshot, meaning you never have to fear you’ll regret the changes you make during revision ever again.

Ready to begin utilizing this handy revision tool? Check out our video lesson and transcript on Snapshots below. Today’s lesson is an excerpt from our full-length Storytelling With Scrivener video course as well, so if you’d like to learn how to harness all that this epic writing app has to offer, make sure to check out our course curriculum today!

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Scrivener Kristen Kieffer Scrivener Kristen Kieffer

How to Create a Virtual Corkboard for Your Novel in Scrivener

Do love the easy visual organization that working with index cards can provide?

When it comes to your writing projects, you can now create and work with virtual index cards by utilizing Scrivener’s Corkboard Mode — and you’ll never have to worry about misplacing your physical cards again. Not sure how to access, utilize, or customize this epic Scrivener feature? Let’s dive in deep!

Today’s video lesson and transcript are excerpted from our full-length Storytelling With Scrivener video tutorial course, available now. If you’re unsure if Scrivener is the right program for you, make sure to give this article in our Scrivener blog series a read.

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Scrivener Kristen Kieffer Scrivener Kristen Kieffer

How to Streamline Your Writing With The Scrivener Inspector

Do you often feel you don’t have a strong handle on your writing projects?

When it comes to streamlining your day-to-day writing life, I’ve found no tool as versatile and effective as Scrivener’s Inspector. This multi-faceted feature in my favorite writing program allows you to take notes on individual documents; tag text files with labels, statuses, and keywords; review past versions of your current chapter or scene, and more!

If you’re interested in making best use of this feature, I’m breaking down an overview of Scrivener’s Inspector and diving deep into the features contained in its Notes tab below. Today’s video lesson and transcript are also excerpted from our video tutorial course, Storytelling With Scrivener. Click here to learn more and enroll today!

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Scrivener Kristen Kieffer Scrivener Kristen Kieffer

Setting Easy Goals & Deadlines With Scrivener Targets

Setting goals and deadlines for our work can be instrumental in helping us achieve our writing dreams.

But holding ourselves accountable to these targets is often easier said than done. If like me, you’re someone who often lacks the internal drive to sit down and make words happen, you may need a little extra accountability to keep you on track. And for me, nothing works better than utilizing Scrivener’s built-in target feature.

What exactly can this feature help you accomplish? And how can you begin making use of Scrivener Targets today? Let’s take a look in today’s video lesson and transcript, which are excerpted from Storytelling With Scrivener — our full-length tutorial course designed specifically to help you harness the power of this epic app for writers.

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Kristen Kieffer Kristen Kieffer

Our new video course, Storytelling With Scrivener, is live!

As much as I love Scrivener, I'd be lying if I said it didn't come with a learning curve. Scrivener boasts countless tools and features that have helped me streamline my writing life — but only after I learned how to utilize them. And now that I have, I’d like to help you do the same.

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Scrivener Kristen Kieffer Scrivener Kristen Kieffer

How to Import Your Research Into Scrivener

As novelists, we often do a lot of research, and keeping track of all that research?

Well, that can be a bit of a nightmare at times. Fortunately, Scrivener makes our lives a little easier with a few helpful options and features — specifically, the ability to import several different kinds of files and webpages into your Scrivener Project. Not sure how to get started?

Let's break down everything you need to know in today's video lesson and transcript, which is excerpted from our upcoming Storytelling With Scrivener, launching this Friday. Click here to learn more about the course today!

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Scrivener Kristen Kieffer Scrivener Kristen Kieffer

How to View Multiple Documents At Once In Scrivener

Want to easily view two documents at once as you work?

Whether you want to reference notes as you write, compare two versions of the same chapter, or view two separate scenes to ensure your manuscript is on the right track, look no further than Scrivener. You can easily split the editor window within the program to view and work within two individual files at the same time.

Pretty sweet, right? Let's break down this awesome Scrivener function in today's video lesson and transcript, which are excerpted from our upcoming video course, Storytelling With Scrivener. Click here to learn more about the course today!

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Scrivener Kristen Kieffer Scrivener Kristen Kieffer

An Overview of The Scrivener Binder

The Binder is one of Scrivener's most powerful features.

If, like me, you've ever struggled to organize all of the files and folders related to your work, you're going to love all that the Binder has to offer. Its easy interface allows you to import, add, organize, and rearrange any and all documents related to your entire project — all without leaving the program.

To learn more about how to make use of the Scrivener Binder, check out today's video lesson and transcript below. This lesson comes straight from our upcoming Storytelling With Scrivener video course, so there's more where it came from if you find it helpful. You can click here to learn more about the course today! 

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Scrivener Kristen Kieffer Scrivener Kristen Kieffer

How to Work Within The Scrivener Interface

Feeling overwhelmed by the Scrivener interface? 

There's no doubt that this program boasts a plethora of fantastic features that have helped many writers streamline their work and build their best writing lives, as we discussed in last week's article. But upon first glance, this program and all of its many features can also be quite intimidating. 

That's why we're going to break down everything you need to know about working within the Scrivener interface today. Press play below to watch the video lesson on this topic or scroll to read through the transcript and view a few helpful visuals. 

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Scrivener Kristen Kieffer Scrivener Kristen Kieffer

Ten Reasons to Write Your Novel in Scrivener

There is no right way to write a novel — and that includes the writing program you employ.

But if you've long grown frustrated with the limited capabilities of traditional word processors, I would love to introduce you to the epic writing app that has revolutionized my writing process over the past several years: Scrivener. The program itself has a bit of a learning curve, which is why I'm going to share a few tutorials with you here over the coming weeks. 

Today, however, I'd love to begin our Storytelling With Scrivener series by sharing my top ten favorite Scrivener features so you can get a taste of why I've come to love all that this program has to offer. Let's get started!

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