Inspiration & Process: A Peek Inside My Writing Life
Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash
A few weeks ago, a freelance editor named Isobelle Lans reached out to ask if I’d like to participate in an interview about my personal writing life. Here at Well-Storied, I share the tools and techniques that have helped me develop my craft (and that can help you do the same), but I don’t often talk about the actual novels in which I put these insights into practice.
This is what Isobelle wished to discuss — my novels, the story world in which I write, and how both my life experiences and my work at Well-Storied have shaped both of these things. If this is something you’re interested in, stay tuned. Below, I’m sharing a sneak peek of the interview with a link to view the full copy over on Isobelle’s site, Inspired Lines Editing.
But first, I wanted to share an overview of my fiction. As some of you know, I write adult medieval fantasy novels. That work began a little over eight years ago with a project called The Dark Between. I’ve since set that project aside (you’ll learn why in the interview), and I’m now pursuing a novel called Lady Legacy as my debut.
Here’s a quick blurb about Lady Legacy to whet your appetite:
“With her medical training complete, ambitious healer Clíana Godtric sets out to become a world-renowned physician by earning a commission at royal court. But when her first prominent patient dies mysteriously within her care, Clíana must salvage her legacy by mending the heart of a grief-stricken prince, quelling the suspicions of his superstitious companion, and finding the cure to a strange and deadly power taking root within her.”
I’m now working on the fourth draft of Lady Legacy, which should mark an end to all of the major work the manuscript needs before getting shipped off to an editor, and it’s my hope that I’ll (finally!) get to share this novel with you all in 2021. Still a ways off, I know, but I believe the version I’m creating now will be worth the wait after many, many revisions.
In any case, I’m excited to have the opportunity to share more about my fiction work, including Lady Legacy, in today’s interview, conducted by Isobelle Lans of Inspired Lines Editing. Shall we dive in?
Question: How long had you been planning and drafting The Books of Maveryn before you started She’s Novel, your first writing blog?
The Books of Maveryn are a relatively new venture for me, all things considered. When I first started She’s Novel (now five years ago, I was working on a planned six-book epic fantasy series set in the same story world, which I’d begun playing around with about two years prior to developing my site, back in 2012.
The debut book in that series, called The Dark Between, was the first novel I’d ever pursued with any serious intent. To help make it the best it could be, I began studying the craft. But the more I learned about writing, the more apparent it became that tackling a six-book, multi-POV story as a first major creative project wasn’t the best decision. I decided to set aside The Dark Between and develop a single POV standalone novel set in the same world.
Thus, Lady Legacy — the first of The Books of Maveryn — was born. But because my brain can’t seem to leave any thread unpulled, Lady Legacy spun into a planned quartet of interrelated standalone novels that serve as prequels to The Dark Between, which I still intend to write and publish down the road.
Question: What was the inspiration behind the two series?
For me, inspiration is very much a genealogical map, with endless historical roots that all, in time, coalesce into a single passion project. Trace the ancestral roots of my series and you’ll find inspiration sourced from medieval history books and folklore; from stargazing and wander-lusting, from a middle-school obsession with cheesy romance novels; and, of course, from some of my favorite stories, including Outlander, A Game of Thrones, Graceling, The Song of Achilles, and Black Sails.
Question: Tell me about the world of Maveryn. What were your inspirations when creating it?
The world of Maveryn is actually the world of Emar, with Maveryn being the primary nation where most of my stories are set. Maveryn itself is a kingdom of eight united realms ruled by a High King and Council. Each realm is inspired by one or more real-world cultures.
In my current work-in-progress, Lady Legacy, my characters spend most of their time in one of two realms: Daorender and Rodai. Daorender is largely inspired by medieval Scotland, whereas Rodai has a distinctly Iberian flair. In Lady Legacy, the characters also briefly travel overseas to Hiliya, a loose empire consisting of nomadic nations and merchant-ruled city-states that find their roots in Native American and Mongolian cultures.
About: Isobelle Lans
Isobelle Lans is a UK-based fiction editor who helps writers develop their writing skills to create stronger books. Through her editorial services, writing workbooks, free resources, and blog posts, Isobelle helps writers tackle some of the more difficult aspects of writing and revising.
You can connect with her on Instagram, where she shares insights, tips, and encouragement for other writers. Or, you can visit her website here.